Sunday, January 14, 2018

Diabetes Mellitus Prevention

Diabetes Mellitus Prevention

Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus is primarily aimed at people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The goal is to slow the onset of type 2 diabetes, maintain the function of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, and prevent or slow the appearance of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. The risk factor for type 2 DM is differentiated into a modifiable and unmodifiable factor. Prevention efforts are done by reducing the risks that can be modified.

Risk factors that can not be modified for example racial and ethnic, family history of DM, age> 45 years, birth history of infants with BB born infants> 4000 grams or history of gestational DM (DMG), and low birth weight history, less than 2.5 kg.

Modifiable risk factors such as excess body weight, lack of physical activity, hypertension (> 140/90 mmHg), impaired lipid profile (HDL <35 mg / dL and or triglyceride> 250 mg / dL, and unhealthy diet high sugar and low fiber.The prevention of DM should also be done by prediabetes patients ie those who have glucose intolerance (GDPP and TGT) and high-risk type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Prevention of type 2 DM in people at risk in principle is to change lifestyle that includes exercise, weight loss, and dietary regulation. Based on the analysis of a group of people with intensive lifestyle changes, diabetes prevention is most associated with weight loss. According to the study, weight loss of 5-10% can prevent or slow the emergence of type 2 diabetes. It is also recommended to eat a healthy diet, which consists of complex carbohydrates, containing less saturated fat and high soluble fiber. Caloric intake is intended to achieve ideal body weight.

Physical activity should be enhanced by regular exercise, at least 150 minutes per week, divided 3-4 times a week. Exercise can improve insulin resistance that occurs in prediabetes patients, increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol), and help achieve ideal body weight. In addition to sports, it is also recommended to be more active during daily activities, for example by choosing a ladder from an elevator, walking to the market rather than using a car, etc.

Smoking, while not directly causing glucose intolerance, can exacerbate cardiovascular complications of glucose intolerance and type 2 DM. Therefore, patients are also advised to stop smoking.


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