Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Diabetes Mellitus Types

Diabetes Mellitus Types

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a health disorder that affects the body's work in using sugar as a source of energy. Diabetes is a disease that can not be cured and is associated with various complications ranging from heart disease, kidney disorders, nervous system disorders, to blindness. The more alarming, the number of diabetics in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. By 2015, the number of diabetics in Indonesia reaches 10 million people or is ranked seventh with the most diabetics in the world.

Before discussing the causes of diabetes mellitus, it is better if you know first 3 types of diabetes mellitus disease. There are 3 types of diabetes mellitus, namely type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Everything has in common, that is the disturbance of the hormone insulin which is an important hormone to manage blood sugar levels. As a result, blood sugar levels become high and can cause complications.

The cause of diabetes mellitus varies according to the type of diabetes. By knowing the causal factors of each type of diabetes mellitus, then you can take precautions to avoid this disease. Here are the causes of diabetes mellitus based on each type:

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus type 1 is known as insulin-dependent diabetes. The failure of the pancreas to produce insulin is a major contributing factor to this type of diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is commonly experienced by children. People with type 1 diabetes can not produce insulin because of impaired immune system that causes damage to pancreatic cells. The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not known clearly, but is suspected to be related to:

1. Genetic factors

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is often decreased. If you have a nuclear family with a history of type 1 diabetes, you also have a higher risk.

2. Environmental factors

Environmental factors suspected to act as the cause of type 1 diabetes is a viral infection. Viral infection is one of the factors suspected to trigger immune system disorders and then interfere with the function of the pancreas in people with type 1 diabetes.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the type of diabetes most commonly experienced by most diabetics. This type of diabetes is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes, in which the body can still produce homo insulin but insulin hormone work is disrupted because the body can not respond to insulin well.

1. Obesity

Obesity is thought to be the cause of type 2 diabetes. In fact, obesity is believed to be the cause of type 2 diabetes especially. How can obesity cause diabetes? Fats that accumulate in the body can lead to insulin resistance, a condition in which insulin is less sensitive so it can not function properly in regulating blood sugar levels. Especially the fat deposits in the abdomen characterized by waist circumference beyond the normal limit, ie, ≥80 cm for women or ≥90 cm for men, are important factors of diabetes.

2. Lifestyle

Unhealthy lifestyle can also trigger the risk of type 2 diabetes. Unhealthy eating patterns such as consumption of sugar, fat, and high calories can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Research shows that those who regularly consume sugar-sweetened sweet drinks was at risk higher diabetes. Moreover, if an unhealthy diet is supported by smoking habits, alcohol consumption, or never exercise.

3. Age factor

Believe it or not, the risk of type 2 diabetes will increase with age. The older a person's age, his weight will tend to increase and exercise habits are reduced. This factor triggers the higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus disease as you get older. Type 2 diabetes is commonly experienced by people aged 40 and older.

4. Certain ethnicity

Asians have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It is thought to be associated with higher body fat levels in Asians. Plus, Asians have a habit of always eating white rice. Research shows that high consumption of white rice was also a factor that causes diabetes. A research review published in the British Medical Journal showed that increased consumption of white rice was associated with an increased risk of diabetes. As a healthier alternative, whole grains can be an option, such as brown rice or oats.

5. Genetic factors

If you think that type 1 diabetes can be derived by the family, in fact type 2 diabetes can also be caused by genetic factors. Yes, a person who has a parent or sibling who has had type 2 diabetes has a higher risk of developing the same disease. However, this one factor can be prevented by having a healthier lifestyle and exercise routine.

6. Less physical activity

If you lack exercise, your risk of type 2 diabetes will increase. Exercise is very important to help maintain weight, use glucose as energy, and increase insulin sensitivity.

Causes of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is experienced by very pregnant women. What exactly causes gestational diabetes? Are there any risk factors associated with gestational diabetes?

1. Pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to insulin resistance. The hormone produced by the placenta is known to inhibit the working of the hormone insulin in the body of the mother. High sugar levels of diabetes in pregnant women can cause health problems in the mother and baby so it must be controlled properly.

2. History of gestational diabetes

Women who have had gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies are also at risk of re-experiencing the disease in pregnancy at this time. So also with the mother who gave birth to a baby weighing more than 4.1 kg.

3. Obesity

Weight is also a risk factor for gestational diabetes. A woman who is already overweight or obese is known to have a higher risk of gestational diabetes. Therefore, it is important to keep the weight within normal limits before pregnancy.

Not only diabetes mellitus can cause various complications in other organs. You also have to live with this disease throughout your age. So, you better prevent this disease since now also because people with diabetes melitus can not be cured.

By knowing the cause of diabetes mellitus, you are expected to be more careful in living the everyday lifestyle. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that can cause various complications until death. Therefore, prevent diabetes mellitus from now on with a healthy lifestyle and routine physical activity. Perform weight management, nutritional monitoring and regular exercise to avoid the risk of diabetes mellitus.


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